Sunday, February 12, 2012


Time is flying, and outdistancing me rapidly. Not too surprising! I'm a plodder, but at least I'm persistent.

Apparently I can't make links happen here, but you can find working ones on my website:
The video link requires a free software download, but I will attempt to put it on You Tube for those who don't want to go that far. It's worth skipping the first five minutes, too.

Readings and Interviews

Events, as of now:
March 8 - Planetary Spirit internet radio broadcast, 1 PM Eastern:
March 18 - KBOO radio interview, 8:30-9:00 AM. --  90.7 FM or online

March 29 - Portland - Powell's Hawthorne, 7:30 PM
March 30 - Astoria Or. - Lucy's Books, 7:00 PM

April 6 - 50 year anniversary of the Good Friday Experiment!
April 7 - Seattle - East West, 7:00 PM
April 8 - Bellingham, Wa. - Village Books, 4:00 PM
April 19 - Mountain View, Ca. - East West Bookstore, 7:30 PM