Saturday, January 21, 2012

We might be able to make this blog interesting by discussing questions of spiritual/psychological moment. I specialize in practical applications of the principles of nonduality. For instance, wisdom yoga is the pairing of opposite tendencies in the mind, which cancels them out, revealing deeper levels of consciousness. Ordinarily we fixate on one side or the other of any polarity. This causes serious imbalances, individually and globally. The teaching of the Gita is to bring the sides together, revealing the Absolute as Nataraja Guru put it, or at least maximizing our understanding of the situation. I can attest that putting this into practice changes a person's life for the better, often dramatically.
  I imagine I'll be blogging to myself for awhile, so until you join in I'll relate some of the examples I run across in my interactions with friends. I already have several email conversations going, and I've often thought it was a shame I couldn't share the insights we've discovered. This might be a way to do just that. Not all our questions need to be private. Or you can pretend they are about a friend of yours.


  1. Hi, Scott. This is a great idea, and I know it will be interesting to see what folks have to say. I'm no longer much of a philosopher, although I have to admit, there was a time when this was an important piece of my life. Tell us about the book and about Powell's part in it.

    1. Thanks Anne and Sujit for finding this--I guess I'll have to start paying attention now! I'll post more info in the near future.
